Founded in 2016, Dockerty Gardens uses horticultural skill and expertise to make gardens and natural spaces more beautiful.

Being intentionally small, a central pillar of our business is the relationships we have with our loyal clients and skilled subcontractors.

Our values:

Integrity: Horticultural integrity and business integrity

Relationships: With our clients, staff, and tradespeople in the community

Passion: About the trade, science, and art of horticulture

Above image: Phlomis russeliana, Eriophyllum lanatum, Allium nigrum, and Lychnis coronaria 'Alba' - all deer resistant

Professional garden landscaper and designer, Monica Dockerty

Monica - Owner and Head Gardener

After receiving a horticultural education from UBC Botanical Garden, owner and operator Monica Dockerty worked in both public and private landscape horticulture. Her passion for plants led her to become the primary buyer at Vancouver Island's largest retail garden center and nursery. Dockerty Gardens started during this time as a part-time business, and has now evolved into a full-time maintenance, install and design company with an incredibly loyal and growing client base.

When not working for her clients, Monica enjoys time hiking in the Vancouver Island alpine, being a volunteer warden at the Mount Tzuhalem Ecological Reserve, and growing her own produce. Monica is passionate about connecting people to their gardens and natural spaces, and she believes that horticulture and plants can play an important role in everyone’s lives.

Above: Calamintha grandiflora and Marrubium supinum

We specialize in:

  • Low water-use gardens

  • Gardens with seasonal interest and plant diversity

  • Deer-resistant plant selection

  • Technical pruning, plant health, disease/pest diagnosis

  • Plant procurement and sourcing unusual and large plant material

  • Small tree pruning